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  My Relationship With Technology

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     I feel in 2024 many people couldn't exist without their screens. This is seen every day, a great example is the idiot driving a Tesla with the Apple goggles on. This shows just how attached our civilization is to their screens. Another amazing example was actually during our class earlier this semester when AT&T  servers went down and no one had cell service for about 6 or 7 hours. The amount of sheer panic I witnessed coming from some students was sad. 

     I think at this point most people are lost without their screens. People cannot do meaningful tasks without the assistance of technology. It is a double-edged sword meaning while it runs every aspect of our lives making menial tasks simpler, faster, or even automated. We as humans including me have lost the ability to do meaningless things without the use of a cell phone. A great example for me is at work(I work at the campus Hibachi restaurant) this week I realized this is the only time or place I've written with a pen all semester or for that matter needed a pen of my own to write something on paper. Even paper is being phased out, everything is automated through screens now. I have wondered what will happen if an EMP or an attack destroys the US Internet of tech infrastructure rendering our tablets and phones useless. I feel like it would be a twilight hours kinda vibe. Where people are looting and lighting cars on fire like its Vancouver in 2011.     

         I think technology overall has negatively affected humanity. Many people I know are extremely caught up in the digital world so much so that their entire life revolves around their cell phones. It has also caused humanity a terrible curse that is hiding behind screens before technology we had to deal with our issues in person now people just text and that human touch has been lost. People can hide behind screens for their insults leading to crimewaves of nude picture extortions by Nigerian scammers to the everyday cyberbullying that exists. I ultimately think screens bring out the worst of humanity as it adds an element of anonymity to the world. I read a story about a high school sports star who killed himself because he had naked pictures of himself being threatened to be sent to all his friends on Instagram. Unless he paid the ransomer more money than a typical high school student would have.

        In December of last year, I checked myself into a rehab program for mental health reasons. Part of this program they take your phone for two weeks forcing you to focus on your world and thoughts and be present with your issues. I really benefitted from this because we depend so much on the digital world to distract us from our unhappiness and all it does is make us more unhappy seeing everyone's best moments being posted in an unrealistic digital world. This disconnect from reality only makes us unhappier seeing only the happy moments can make people believe the world is all sunshine and rainbows and to someone going through depression PTSD and traumatic events this can make things harder.


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