Com 1450 blog post #1


David Muir - IMDb

News recommendations

I'm not a fan of the news, but my family's choice of news is David Murr and ABC News. It's depressing and shows the worst of humanity and not the world in its everyday sight. There is more going on than people blowing each other up. The only thing I like about the news is David Murr’s voice.

The top news source I use for entertainment is ESPN, although it's not news about the world. It portrays current events within sports and develops news regarding players, teams, trades, and other statistics and stories. This is light-hearted and more realistic to what I care about as they give timely updates and keep me posted on developments in the sporting world.

The news I would go to for unbiased reporting would be Reuters. Many freelance writers work for themselves off subscriptions and sell their writing to more prominent news outlets. This keeps the news straight to the facts, eliminating most biases other than personal, and derives the work from corporate censorship. helps to fact-check other stories that seem biased or angled.

The other source of news I like is, as they warn about content that may be biased or fact-checked as false information or misleading material. I use Reddit as many feeds range from your heart’s variety. You also get users' feedback and can talk with like-minded people worldwide who share interests, passions, or ideals.

The last site I recommend is Ground News. It reports on current events and shows links to multiple sources to compare and contrast similarities and biases among the different sources. It also labels what they are to help guide you to correct factual information, allowing you to stay current on current events and developing stories.


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