blog 4 freedom of expression



Freedom of expression


 The right to freedom of expression is one of the most sacred elements in the Constitution of the United States. We are given the right under the first amendment except in exceptional cases  to express oneself freely. Lately, there has been a very fine line in our country regarding freedom of speech. For example, in the Tokyo Summer Olympics the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has ruled that athletes will not be permitted to wear any apparel with a political message during the Tokyo Olympics. The IOC has stated that they will consider punishing any athletes involved in protests or demonstrations during the Olympic Games.  They specifically mentioned slogans like "Black Lives Matter" will. not be allowed.  However, apparel that featured words such as "peace", "respect", "equality" or words of that nature would be permitted. The IOC stated that this rule came about based on a survey they conducted by athletes.  There is no rule however, banning what athletes wear to press conferences, interviews, or team meetings.  Some would consider this IOC rule a violation of free speech. It brings up an interesting point when bringing multiple countries together for the event.  Freedom of speech is an amendment of the American Constitution, but doesn't apply to other countries.  Other countries do not have the freedom we have in America.  The IOC is also their own governing committee so they make the rules and regulations for the Olympics. A civil rights attorney, Ben Crump, who has represented high profile cases in the media such as Breonna Taylor and George Floyd was not happy with the IOC decision and stance.  He stated in a tweet "This sends the WRONG message about basic human rights & I urge the Olympic Committee to reverse this decision!"  I am not sure what to think about all of this, I can see both points of view.  What are your thoughts?


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